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Member-made Games & Toys Selectors:

  1. Which Character are you from the Game Clue?
  2. Which Sonic the Hedgehog character are you?
  3. The Warhammer 40,000 Army Chooser
  4. What warhammer race are you?
  5. Warhammer 40k Whose side are you on?
  6. What year was your favorite year ever for Bionicle?
  7. Pick a Card! I will guess your card in only 8 questions!
  8. What kind of Armored Core player are you?
  9. Which Mystical Ninja :Starring Goemon character are you?
  10. Sonic and Mario character test
  11. Alpha Centauri Faction Selector
  12. What Ape Escape character are you most like?
  13. What kind of Werewolf are you?
  14. Werewolf The Apocalypse
  15. Warhammer Army Selector
  16. Werewolf the Apocalypse Auspice Quiz
  17. Which attribute in Bakugan are you?
  18. What monster would you be?
  19. Banjo-Kazooie/Banjo-Tooie character selector
  20. What Castlevania character are you?

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